Emergency Services, Fire, & First Aid
This information will remain the property of Swiftreach and will not be disclosed unless compelled to do so by a court of sufficient jurisdiction.
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management Resources
Home Emergency and Disaster Safety
Hurricane Preparedness - Be Ready
How To Protect Your Home From Flood Damage
Winter Safety and Preparedness
National Weather Service: www.erh.noaa.gov/er/phi
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management: www.ready.nj.gov
Facebook: www.facebook.com/READYNEWJERSEY
Twitter: @NJOEM2010
NIXLE – New Jersey Residents can register to receive messages by sending a text message with their zip code to 888777 (data rates may apply depending on your plan). Online Registration is also available at www.nixle.com.
NJ ALERT – NJ Alert is a free, voluntary and confidential emergency alerting system that allows NJ Office of Emergency Management officials to send E-mail or text messages to cell phones, and other email enabled devices during an emergency event. Sign up for NJ Alert by logging on to: www.njalert.gov.
June 1 is the official beginning of the hurricane season. Keyport's OEM team strongly recommends that residents review some of the preparation lists in this website and act to follow those guidelines. The National Weather service predicts fewer hurricanes this season however that does not rule out the chance one of those, or more, might be severe. Being prepared is the best defense.
Hurricane Information
Keyport Fire Department
• Volunteers Since 1877 •
Information for the St. Patrick's Day Parade
Parade Invite
Parade Route
Parade Code of Conduct
Parade Sign In Registration
Street Closures
2024 T-shirt and Band Sponsorship Information
Visit the Keyport Fire Department on Facebook.
The Keyport Fire Department, established is accordance with section 3-30 of the Borough Code, includes the following volunteer fire companies:
Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
Engine Company No. 1
Lincoln Hose Company No. 1
Raritan Hose Company No. 2
Liberty Hose Company No. 3
Eagle Hose Company No. 4
Fire Patrol