Permits, Licenses & Applications

The Keyport Environmental Commission (KEC), established in accordance with Borough Code §2-7.7, serves as an advocate for environmental issues that affect Keyport residents, businesses, and visitors. Working with our Bayshore region public and private partners, KEC volunteer members coordinate clean-up projects, preservation of our natural and historic resources, promote educational information, and support environmental activities that enhance and preserve the unique characteristics of Keyport and the region.

Borough of Keyport Board


Joseph Sheridan

Vice Chairman

Michael Palmisano


Roy Jimenez


Donald J. Pacheco


Michael Lane


Matthew Tevis


Doug Weider

Alternate Member #1

Lynne Kosobucki

Borough Council Liaison

Heather Brady
Residents interested in serving as a volunteer member of a Borough of Keyport board, commission or committee should submit a completed Volunteer Application/Citizen Leadership form to the Borough Clerk.
Environmental Commission Minutes
Environmental Resource Links
Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) Borough of Keyport (August 2007) prepared in accordance with the N.J. Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.  The NRI is a compilation of basic environmental information that is an essential supplement to the Borough land use plan.

Clean Ocean Action Beach Clean Ups (Spring & Fall)
Click here to see how you can help
Location: Cedar Street Park

Integrated Pest Management Pesticide Free Zone
Location: Beach Park - Foot of Broad Street

Storm Drain Labels Pollution Awareness
Location: Townwide Identification

Participate on Keyport Green Team for Sustainable NJ
Click here for info on Resolution
Location: Townwide

Participate with NJ DEP to keep our waters clean. See how you can help.
Location: Townwide