Recycling Program
Leaf and Branch Pickup
Section 1 & 2 - April 17, May 8, September 18, October 16, November 6 and December 11
Section 3 & 4 - April 24, May 15, September 25, October 23, November 13 and December 18
If your recycling or garbage are not collected during inclement weather, collection should occur the following day, weather permitting.
Reduce • Reuse • Recycle
2024 Borough Calendars
Including how to recycle, map and calendar for each zone. click here to view calendar
Printed copies are also available at Borough Hall and Senior Center
All garbage and recycling containers placed to the curb for pick up cannot exceed 50 gallons in size nor 50 lbs. in weight when loaded.
Single family homes are limited to three (3) cans per household for garbage;
Multifamily properties are limited to six (6) cans;
Commercial establishments have a limit of four (4) cans.
There is no limit on the number of cans for curbside recycling but cans are limited to 50 gallons in size and 50 lbs. in weight when loaded.
The Recycling Center is OPEN for Keyport residents
Saturdays: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (for drop-off of recyclables and pick-up of leaf bags.)
Recycling Committee
Recycling Clothes

Donna Purcell
Bill Kane, Public Works Superintendent
Ron Peperoni, Councilmember
Joseph Antonuccio, Resident
James Lawson, Resident
Laura Callow, Resident