Kimberly Humphrey, Borough Administrator


The Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough of Keyport is the Borough Administrator, who is responsible to the Mayor and Council for the proper and efficient administration of the business affairs of the Borough. The Administrator supervises and directs the business activities of all departments and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the municipal government.  The Administrator implements and enforces policies established by the Mayor and Council.  All Department Directors report to the Administrator.

Message From the Borough Administrator

Dear Keyport Residents,
Keyport is a vibrant community in Northern Monmouth County. Our dedicated municipal employees provide important local public services with a strong commitment to customer service and professionalism. Fiscal responsibility, a beautiful bayfront, multiple park facilities, outstanding public safety services, a business-friendly environment and the civic engagement of our residents are just some of the things which make Keyport the special place that it is. It is my responsibility to work closely with our Mayor and Council members, local public officials, residents, municipal employees and business owners to ensure that Keyport continues on the right path. Working in collaboration with all of our community stakeholders is the best way to sustain progress and community pride.

Contact Information
Administrative Secretary
Denise Nellis

70 West Front Street
P.O. Box 60
Keyport, NJ 07735